Wednesday, December 16, 2015

*#@& you, Apple

So my trusted, much-loved iPod Classic needed to be repaired (the charging unit pin was faulty)... It's been my constant companion for the last 4-5 years and it has a 160 GB storage... Hence the love... and well, maybe I'm a sucker for nostalgia... I happily toodled down to the Apple service center across town to get it rectified...

The friendly attendant smiled at me in a supercilious fashion and told me that I should move on. Apparently after 4-5 years they phase out a product and then refuse to service it anymore! Or even replace it at cost!

Wow! So that's how their financial results show a huge percentage of revenue from new products! A lovely route to be labelled as innovative - ensure older products aren't serviced and people will be forced to buy newer ones! What a strategy!

Thank you Apple for making me realise that one is a dinosaur if one chooses to use a product for more than 4 years.

Thank you Apple for helping me understand the route to ensuring that innovation rules the roost in your company - force customers to dump older products and buy newer models! pretty innovative this strategy...

Thank you Apple for ensuring that I lose this fascination for Apple products - I use an iPhone, iPod, iPad, Mac... No more...

You have lost one brand loyalist. Not that it matters to you, but  what the hell... You know what they say about many drops making an ocean and all that...

I'm sorry to say this, but, screw you Apple... You suck... And so does your strategy...